Patrol Types and Permissions

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

In order to create Patrols and personalized Patrol Types for your site, you will have to work on admin to have the basic setup.  The EarthRanger Support Team can help you with this. 



Patrol Types



On the Admin main page you can find Patrol Types under the section Activity

When clicking on it, All of the current Patrol Types will be displayed.  

They appear in a table with the Display Name, Value, Order, Icon and a checkmark to know if this Is Active or not, meaning it will appear on the EarthRanger side. 

On the top of this list you will find the “Add Patrol Type” which will allow you to create your own Patrol Types. 


To create New Patrol Type you will need 

Value - This represented the value of the Patrol Type, it has to be in lowercase and no spaces in between. 

Display - This will be the display name of the Patrol, meaning the name you will see and search on your EarthRanger site. 

Ordernum - You can establish the order of which the Patrol Types appear displayed on EarthRanger, if left blank the order will be assigned automatically. 

Icon - An icon to identify the Patrol Type, there’s a pre-made list or you can request a specific icon to the EarthRanger Support Team. 

Default Priority - When created, every Patrol under this Patrol Type will have this priority as a default unless it’s manually changed. 

Is Active - By selecting this checkmark you will allow the Patrol Type created to appear on your EarthRanger site. 



Patrol Permissions


You can configure specific permissions to the users of your EarthRanger site to allow or restrict functionalities for Patrols. 

This can also be done through the Admin page.  


Under the section User Accounts you will find Permissions Sets. Here, all of the permissions for the site are created and edited.   

On the top search bar you can write “Patrols” to see what are the configured permissions for your Patrols. By default we configure 2 main permissions for the users on every EarthRanger site which are Full Patrols Permissions and Patrols Permissions No Delete. 

Nevertheless, you can create as granulated set of permissions as necessary. 



Full Patrols Permissions allows you to: 

Add Patrol

Add Patrol Type

Change Patrol

Change Patrol Type

Delete Patrol 

Delete Patrol Type

View Patrol

View Patrol Type 


Make sure the users you would like to be able to Add Patrol Types and Patrols are added to this permissions set. 


Patrols Permissions - No Delete  allows you to: 

Add Patrol

Change Patrol

View Patrol 


Make sure that the users that will be tracking and creating Patrols have the necessary permissions for the usage on EarthRanger Web and EarthRanger Mobile. 


If you have any questions regarding the setup of admin permissions and types, please contact the EarthRanger Support Team