Event Types and Permissions


To make events available on your site, you must configure settings on the Admin side.

Below are examples of this configuration. If you have any questions, contact an EarthRanger Support Team.

Event Categories

Event categories are sub-groups that categorize event types and determine how they display on EarthRanger. For example, if you manage security patrols, create an event category called "Security" to organize all security-related events.

Create event categories before starting a new event type or directly in the event type section.

Creating Event Types

Event types are used to report specific events and track their details. Create as many event types as your organization requires.

Note: This process is made through the EarthRanger site’s admin page,and you need specific credentials for this process.  

Logging in to Admin Site


To create an event type, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Event Type section under Activity.
  2. A list of existing event types, along with their details, will be displayed.
  3. Click on Add Event Type at the top right of the page.

Provide the following information to create a new event type:

  • Display: Enter the name of the event type.
  • Value: Enter the represented value of the event type in lowercase without spaces.
  • Category: Select the category where the event type will reside. If an event category was previously created, it will appear in the dropdown menu. If not, click on Add Another Event Category to create a new category. A pop-up will appear for entering the necessary details.
  • Is Collection: Check this box if the event type is part of a collection.
  • Icon Override: Choose a pre-made icon related to the event type from the menu or request a personalized icon from the EarthRanger Support Team.
  • Ordernum: Specify the order in which the event types will appear on your EarthRanger site.
  • Automatically Resolve After (hours): Set the number of hours after which the event type report will be automatically resolved.
  • Geometry Type: Select the geometry of the event, either as a point or a polygon. Note that once an event type is created, its geometry type cannot be changed.
  • Default Priority: Set the default priority for the event.
  • Default State: Set the default state for the event.
  • Is Active: Check this box to make the event type active and available on the EarthRanger site.



Schema & Form Definition 


To define the fields displayed when creating new events, you need to add them in the form of a schema.

  1. Define the schema to specify the information required for each event type.
  2. The schema is written in JSON format to determine the layout and data fields.
  3. If needed, the Support Team can assist with creating the schema.

Below is an example showing how the schema appears in Admin and how it is represented as an event in EarthRanger.



To create events in EarthRanger, ensure that your permissions are set correctly.

  1. Each permission set defines specific actions that users can perform within EarthRanger.
  2. For events, use the pre-configured permission sets based on user roles. You can also create custom, granular permissions as needed.

Default Permission Sets for Events:

Admin User Event Permissions:

  • Create and delete analyzer, logistics, monitoring, and security events.
  • Modify and view analyzer, logistics, monitoring, and security events, including deprecated ones.

Admin Hidden Event Permissions:

  • Create, delete, read, and update hidden events.



Please contact the EarthRanger Support Team if you need any assistance with the creation of new Event Types or set Permissions. 



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