EarthRanger Web Version 2.100.1


In this release, we’re adding support for ETags, new file URL options for exporting event data, and a new export data permission set. Read on for more details about these updates.


New Features:

  • ETags Support
    • ETags are now added to key API endpoints like /subjectgroupsactivity/patrols/trackedby, and activity/events/categories. These help the mobile app quickly detect and sync changes. ETags update when subject groups change, ensure smooth syncing of patrol config subjects, and track adjustments in report categories like order numbers.
  • File URLs for Exporting Event Data
    • When you export filtered events from the Events Feed, the resulting CSV file now includes a new column with short-lived links to attachments associated with each event. These links make it easy to access and share event-related files securely, ensuring efficient data management while maintaining data privacy.
  • Export Data Permission Set
    • A new export data permission set has been added to help you manage and control data export access. This feature allows administrators to set specific permissions for users regarding the ability to export data, ensuring better control and security over sensitive information. 
  • Support for WMS Basemap Layers
    • Added support for Web Map Service (WMS) basemap layers, enabling the integration of custom basemaps from external geospatial data sources.
  • Increased Platform Stability
    • Various backend improvements have been implemented to enhance platform stability and performance, reducing downtime and ensuring smoother operation.
  • New Topi Icon
    • A new Topi icon has been added to represent the species in the system, expanding the visual options for tracking and managing wildlife data.



We hope these new features enhance your experience with EarthRanger Web. We welcome your feedback and are committed to continuously improving our platform. 

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