This release introduces key performance improvements, new features, and bug fixes to enhance your experience with EarthRanger.
- Timezone Selection for Track Styling: Added a client-side control to the track legend, allowing users to select their timezone for time-of-day track styling. This ensures accurate representation of track colors based on the selected timezone.
- Track Color Expression Based on Time of Day: Implemented a style expression to map track segment colors to their corresponding time-of-day values, enhancing the visual accuracy of track displays.
- Enhanced Patrol Tracks Styling: Updated patrol tracks to ensure time-of-day styles are applied correctly, emphasizing segments associated with a patrolās time envelope.
Optimized SubjectGroups API Performance: Improved the efficiency on slow sites where subjects were assigned to multiple subject groups.Ā
š ļøBug Fixes
- Server Response Issue During Source Deletion: Adds the possibility of deleting sources asynchronously by adding the query parameter "async=true" to the DELETE source API.
- Inactive User-Linked Subjects Still Appearing on Map: Fixed a bug where user-linked subjects marked as inactive (is_active=False) were still visible on the map. Inactive subjects will no longer appear when logged in as the associated user.
- Interactive API Docs Broken: The grouping of the apps disappeared in the OpenAPI interactive doc. This was restored on this release.
- AWE Telemetry Integration Backfilling Data: Fixed a problem where the AWE telemetry integration was repeatedly attempting to retrieve old data, causing unnecessary strain on their API. The integration now handles data retrieval more efficiently.
- Hardcoded Alert Rules Permission Set ID: Fixed an issue where alert rules permissions were tied to a hardcoded permission set ID. Custom permission sets for alert rules now work as expected.
Subject Proximity Analyzer and Nested Subject Groups: Addressed an issue where the Subject Proximity Analyzer did not support nested subject groups. Alerts will now be generated correctly for nested group configurations.