


Analyzers automatically monitor data as it streams to EarthRanger to see if that data matches certain rules. 

For example, a geospatial proximity analyzer could check to see if a tracked animal is within a certain distance of a point on the map and automatically notify you if it is. 

EarthRanger has two kinds of analyzers: geospatial and miscellaneous

  • Geospatial Analyzers 

As their name suggests, geospatial analyzers examine data about where things are located. They can send messages when certain conditions are met, such as when a tracked animal moves into a specified area. 

  • Geofence Analyzers (Geofences) 

Geofences are virtual fences that describe a linear boundary in EarthRanger. 

An EarthRanger administrator specifies where a geofence is located by indicating points on a map. Then the administrator associates members of a subject group (for example, elephants wearing GPS collars) with the geofence. 

When the geofence analyzer detects that the coordinates of a subject have crossed a geofence line, the analyzer can automatically generate a geofence break report. 


For example, a geofence placed around a community could send a break report when a tracked elephant crosses the geofence.

  • Proximity Analyzers 

Proximity analyzers can detect and respond when members of a subject group get within a certain distance of a location.


  • Immobility Analyzers 

Immobility analyzers monitor the coordinates of a subject group and can automatically create reports and alerts about the movement or lack of movement of those subjects  

For example, to help detect when an animal is sick, injured, or dead.


  • Subject Proximity 

Proximity analyzers in EarthRanger continuously monitor when subjects come within a specific distance of each other, using a configurable distance and time window. This feature can notify users of potential 'friendly fire' incidents when two ranger teams are nearby. Researchers can also use proximity analyzers to track interactions, such as when males and females of a species are close, providing valuable insights into wildlife behavior. 

As a Map feature ability you are able to place anything that is relevant for your site in the map. By configuring your needs you are able to add points of interest  like rivers, mountains, roads, important natural settlements, etc. You can also set limits to certain areas to establish boundaries in the map, create multipolygons as areas for camps or reserve areas, and much more. 

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