EarthRanger Mobile v1.3.11

Get to know what's new in this v.1.3.11 release for EarthRanger Mobile

Updated at June 1st, 2023


Event reports available to submit with valid locations

The submit button was only enabled when a location edit had been made. With this new release, the submit button is now enabled if a location is found in the report.




Send App Bar button to Report an Issue view

The “Report An Issue” view is a form that allows you to send messages, logs, and a backup database to our Support Team. The past “Report An Issue” button was inconsistent with how forms were submitted in the app and the button had a bug that didn't allow it to interact with the soft keyboard to avoid overlapping the form fields. 

In this new release, a new Send button was added to the App bar and removed the past “Report An Issue” rectangular button from the "Report An Issue" View.


