Receiving data from Movebank


Tags: Animal Tracking, Movement Data, Gundi v1, Pull Integration, Data Provider

This integration requires assistance from our support team for setup and configuration. Please get in touch with our Support Team at and we’ll guide you through the process to ensure everything is set up correctly.

We are actively working to make this integration self-service in the future. Stay tuned for updates!


  • Movebank study with tags.
    • Share the list of Study IDs with Support
  • Unless the study is public, share that study with EarthRanger’s Movebank user EarthRanger_Integrations
    • Share as the study with this user as a 'Collaborator'.


Technical Documentation

Go to Gundi v1

Go to the Inbound Integrations and select Add Integration

Inbound Configuration

Name: Enter a suitable name (e.g., "Sitename - Movebank - StudyID")

Owner:  Select the integration's owner

Type: Movebank

Provider Key:  Leave empty. Gundi will automatically give it a name.

Default Device Group: Leave empty. Gundi will automatically create a default group.


Token:  Leave empty

Login/Password:  EarthRanger_Integrations and its password. See 1Password.


 "maximum_lookback_hours": 24,
 "studies": [
     "id": "StudyID",
     "name": ""


 "maximum_lookback_hours": 24,
 "studies": [
     "id": "1345147839",
     "name": ""


Create one inbound configuration per study ID.


Click Save

Configure the Default Device Group to select the destination site. 



Data Delivery

The time it takes for data to appear in your destination system depends on multiple factors, including latency introduced by the original source, network conditions, and intermediary systems. While these factors may vary, Gundi typically checks for available data on a scheduled interval of approximately 10 minutes.

If your data is not available in your destination after this interval, kindly refer to the source to review the availability of data, and contact our Support team for further assistance.

Need Help?

Contact Support

If you need help with Gundi, here are some resources to try. 

Contact the Gundi team 

Send an email to with your questions or a description of the issue you have been experiencing.

Help Us Improve Gundi 

If you have comments, corrections or suggestions regarding our guides, website, or the Gundi portal, please email them to

Feel free to explore our website for more contact information.


Last Update: March 5, 2025





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