EarthRanger Mobile
Setup & Installation
User & Device Management
Logging in to EarthRanger Mobile
How to log in to an EarthRanger site with the EarthRanger Mobile app
Device Permissions - Mobile
Discover how to securely manage mobile device data access using EarthRanger.
Profiles on Mobile
Profiles with PINs can be used to allow easy profile switching on the same device
Core Functionalities
Device Tracking - Mobile
How device tracking work on EarthRanger Mobile
Subjects - Mobile
Explore the latest trends and updates in the world of mobile technology and subjects related to mobile devices for an informative read.
Patrols - Mobile
Learn how Mobile patrols can help increase effectiveness and efficiency of wildlife monitoring and enforcement actions.
Sync Methods - Mobile
Discover how to sync resources for offline use in EarthRanger Mobile, ensuring up-to-date access to event types, categories, and patrols.
Event Management
Settings & Troubleshooting
Navigation bar
Learn how to design a user-friendly navigation bar to help guide users through your website.
Troubleshooting - Mobile
Get the information you need to help diagnose and resolve issues with your mobile device.
Email Client Configuration for Mobile Devices
Learn how to set up and use an email client to send emails from the app.
Settings View - Mobile
Explore how to customize and navigate EarthRanger's mobile settings to streamline your on-the-go experience.