🌟 New Features
Add Event Serial Number to Synced Events in Event List Each synced event in the event list now includes its serial number for improved traceability. |
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Update Localization Text Button from 'Save' to 'Draft' The button text has been updated for better clarity when saving data as a draft. |
Update Filter Icon The filter icon was updated to match the web design. |
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🚀 Improvements
- Sync subject tracks on all sync attempts: The app now attempts to download subject track updates during each sync, provided there are changes and depending on platform behavior.
- Remove inactive event types from mobile database: Event types marked as inactive in the Admin Panel are automatically removed from the mobile app database during syncs.
- Update satellite basemap event location selector: The event location selector is now white, ensuring better visibility when the satellite basemap is in use.
- Sync event types based on updated since date: Event types are now synced based on the last sync time.
- Upload parameter time with event request: Added a parameter to differentiate between the event's upload time (when the user submitted the event) and the creation time (when the event was initially opened). This distinction is primarily visible for web updates.
- Disable location updates on long-pressed events: When long-pressing the map view to create a location event form, the app no longer attempts to fetch the device's location.
- Optimize events map layer: Prevent unnecessary re-renders of components and add interpolation for cluster sizing and icons.
🛠️ Bug Fixes
- Submitted this session incrementing when error: Fixed an issue where the "Submitted This Session" count incorrectly incremented when an event upload failed due to an error.
- Sync state missing: Resolved a missing query parameter that was causing sync state errors in the logs.
- Clean subject search: Fixed an issue where the previous subject search was retained after leaving the search view.