Profiles Setup

Updated at July 27th, 2024

You create and administer Profiles through your EarthRanger Administration site. 

Creating Users and Parent User 


All Profile users are associated with a parent user. A Parent user can have many Profile users associated to their account. 


To create a user: 


  • In your EarthRanger Administration, go to User Accounts at the bottom of the page and then click on Users. 
  • Create the user by clicking on “Add User” . 
  • Profiles are users, so setting up a parent user is the same process as setting up a Profile user. One distinction between these user types is a parent user must have login permissions but a profile user does not. 
  • Set up your user based on the activities and responsibilities that they will perform. 
  • In order to associate Profiles to Parent users you will need to to associate a unique PIN to it. The PIN has to be a 4 digit number that will be always associated with this user.  


Process of linking a Parent User to Profiles 

  • Once a Parent and Profile users are set up you can navigate to a Parent user to set up as many Profile associations as needed. 
  • Open the user account.
  • Scroll to the bottom profiles section.
  • Select from the available Profiles list the users you would like to add as Profiles and click on the right arrow button to move them to the Chosen Profiles list. 
  • All users in the Chosen Profile list are associated Profiles to the user you selected as Parent user. 



PIN Admin Setup Process


When creating a user profile you should be able to see a PIN field option with 4 digits, this is where the admin should determine a unique PIN for each of the users.


PINs are a unique 4-digit number that the admin will set up for each of the users in the app when enabling profiles.