You access EarthRanger as a web application using the supported web browser, Google Chrome.
You can login using either a username and password, a user profile or a PIN profile provided by your local EarthRanger administrator, who can also provide help if you are unable to log in.
To log in to EarthRanger with a username and password:
Enter your EarthRanger username and password at https://<your_organization>
To log out:
Click on your username on the top navigation bar and then select Log Out.
Examples in this guide assume that user profiles are found under the name ControlRoom.
To log in to EarthRanger with a user profile:
1. On the EarthRanger top navigation bar, select ControlRoom.
2. On the dropdown menu, select your user profile.
To log out of EarthRanger with a user profile:
1. On the EarthRanger top navigation bar, select your user profile.
2. On the dropdown menu, select ControlRoom (not Log Out ‘ControlRoom’).
You can check more information Profiles in the following here.