EarthRanger Mobile Version 2.3.0

Updated at July 27th, 2024


New Patrol/Tracking UI/UX Workflow

In this new release we are updating the Patrol workflow to make this easier for the user and here are some of the updates that were done. 

  • Disabled the Tracking/Patrol modal. - This modal now only displays the Track/Patrol state, it is no longer tappable and will not be able to start Patrols from here. 
  • Remove Track Location Bar - All the data that was shown here will be now displayed on the action sheet. 
  • Created Action Sheet for Tracking Patrols - In this Action Sheet you will be able to minimize and expand the tracking information, such as the Subject Name, Last Observation point, name and location, Patrol Title, Serial Number, Patrol distance and the possibility to End the tracking and the Patrols. 
  • Added default patrol types as events automatically created on patrols.

For more information on how this will be working on creating Patrols please visit : Patrols on EarthRanger Mobile

Rebrand Reports as Events 

We are updating our glossary to unify terms around all EarthRanger in order to have consistency around the platform, for this we are rebranding what used to be Reports to Events without affecting any of the the functionality of events. 

Event schema support updates

Updated some schema errors on the Events specially when select is empty. 

Event time/data fields include time zone data

We are now submiting the data with the time zone included. 

Allow event serial number to be nullable 

Ignore case in username login 

When login in the system will ignore if you are using upper or lower case when adding your username to make it easier for you to log in.